Building a Timed-Delay Search Filter for WAN Performance

By Daniel Wood, 15 December 2010

Please note that this article is not in regards to portal-level filtering introduced in FileMaker 11. It concerns filtering of relationships by altering contents of fields that are used in the relationship.

This article is also aimed at an intermediate level user. It assumes you already know the basic ideas behind filtering relationships using a filter field.


With the introduction of script triggers in FileMaker 10, live filtering or portals was made possible. Numerous techniques were introduced to help achieve this. In conjunction with existing filtering techniques, the "Live" aspect was achieved usually by introducing an OnObjectModify script trigger to the filter entry field. As soon as the user enters a value into the field, the triggered script would force a save of the fields contents, thus updating the relationship in question, which in turn updated results in a portal on screen.

These filtering techniques work fine on local solutions, and solutions over a Local Area Network, but what happens when the same techniques are used on systems that are used over a wide Area Network - such as the internet?

A basic live filter example

A typical implementation of a live filter is using an OnObjectModify trigger in conjunction with a script. For example:

wanfiltering 1

This script first remembers the cursor position & selection. It then sets the active field to itself, which is sufficient to save the field contents and so force a portal to update its results. The final part of the script restores the mouse cursor position.

When this script is attached to a field using the OnObjectModify trigger you have a basic live filter field ready to be used in a relationship.

Some drawbacks over WAN

The above method updates the field contents after EVERY character inputted. Locally or over LAN, this operation is usually unnoticeable, but over WAN it can be crippling.

In FileMaker, when a record is displayed in a sorted portal, EVERY record in a portal is downloaded to the client machine - regardless of whether it is visible in the portal or not. In addition to this, the ENTIRE record (excluding unstored calcs & container fields) is downloaded to the client. If you have a portal showing 10,000 sorted records, then all 10,000 records are downloaded to your client. If you are connecting over the Internet, then this can be a time consuming operation. They must all be downloaded in order to achieve the sort - an action that happens on the client machine

If you are filtering a portal as you type, then after every keystroke, FileMaker needs to obtain any new records now showing thru the relationship by downloading them. During which time, you will be unable to continue typing into the field until this is done.

When filtering portals there are two ways you can begin - with the portal showing NO records, or showing ALL records. If a portal begins by showing no records, then as soon as you begin typing into the filter field and records are found thru the relationship, they'll need to be downloaded, and this will cause a major slowdown on the initial keypress (or whenever the first set of records are found thru the relationship).

If the portal/relationship begins by showing all records, and you narrow down that set, the slowdown effects of filtering the portal are reduced, but at the cost of a large performance hit in initially loading the portal.

For relationships/portals that are unsorted, FileMaker will download visible records in the portal, so initial load times might be faster, but it still suffers the same fate as you begin to filter, because new records are potentially being displayed in the visible portal which must be downloaded.

The overall performance hit over WAN is noticeable. Users who use filter fields tend to type at a reasonable speed into the filter field - if the speed at which they can do this is reduced due to download times of records, the filter field becomes sluggish and feels unresponsive, which can lead to user frustration.

A nice alternative for WAN performance

Think about a users end goal when typing in a filter field. Most users will know the word/s they want to enter into the field, and will go about typing the entire word until it's entered. For example, if you wanted to locate all people in a database whose name is "Daniel", would you be more inclined to just type "Daniel" and look at the results, OR would you begin typing .... D - (look at results) - A - (look at results) - N (look at results) ... and so on until you see the record you want? I think the first approach is the more common.

So, what about a filter entry field that only shows results once the user finishes typing whatever they want to type? How can FileMaker detect when a user finishes typing into a field? Well, prior to script triggers, a user would have to manually exit the field in order for FileMaker to update the portal. But, by a cunning use of the OnTimer script step in conjunction with an OnObjectModify script trigger, it is easy to detect a pause in a users typing pattern. This pause can be used to update the portal.

This method will allow the user to type their search term at full speed, without constant portal refreshing impeding their data entry. It will then show results when it detects the user has finished typing, or paused for a period of time.

So, how does it work:

At it's most basic level, the method requires two scripts, and a filter entry field.

Script A - Typing Trigger

wanfiltering 2

Script B - OnTimer Trigger

wanfiltering 3

What's Going on in The Scripts?

Lets start with Script A. In this script, you can see it is being passed a script parameter which is set into a variable $ObjectName. The parameter passed is the object name assigned to the filter entry field - this is useful because it makes these two scripts completely generic and they can be reused for any number of filter entry fields in your solution.

The main part of the script is the installation of the OnTimer Script - Script B. We pass the object name to the second script also. I have set a delay of 0.25 seconds on the ontimer. Note that this delay will be the delay between when the user finishes typing, and when the portal results are updated.

The key aspect of this whole thing is that this particular script is the one that is attached to the filter entry field as an OnObjectModify script trigger.

  • The first time the user enters a character into the field, the onObjectModify script is triggered
  • The triggered script installs an OnTimer of the second script with a delay of 0.25 seconds.
  • This means that after 0.25 seconds of no activity, script B will run
  • HOWEVER, if the user enters another character into the field before the 0.25 second delay, Script A runs again
  • When it runs again, it RESETS the onTimer for Script B back to 0.25 seconds.

To put it simply, every time the user enters a character, the time to which script B will run is reset to 0.25 seconds. Script B will only run once the user stops typing for that 0.25 seconds.

Script B is responsible for doing the normal filtering tasks. The last step of the second script is to disable the OnTimer script for itself. This ensures that once the user stops typing, this script will run once and once only. If the user then continues typing, then Script A runs and the process repeats itself all over again.

The end result

the end result is a portal which updates it's results after 1/4 second pause of data input by the user into the filter entry field. While the user is typing, nothing happens to the relationship or the portal, resulting in no slowdown of data entry due to records being downloaded. Once the user stops typing, only then is the field contents saved and the relationship/portal updated.

Taking it a step further

I implemented this method in a rather large solution with great results. The system had upwards of 20 filter entry fields on various screens. It soon became apparent however, that for some filter entry fields, numbers were the common type of data entry, whereas others were text/words. For most users, the entry of numbers via a keyboard is a slower task than typing a word. I quickly found that the 0.25 second delay was sufficient for text filter entry fields, but not for those that required number entry, or a combination of text and numbers.

The solution was to pass the Delay to the Typing Trigger script (Script A) as a second script parameter. Now, this script accepts two parameters - the object name, and a delay. For numeric entry fields, a delay of 1 second is more useful because it gives the user time to type in their number. For text fields, the delay can be decreased. To go even one step further, you could make the delay a user preference in the database, so touch typists could have a shorter delay, while a longer delay could be given to "two finger" typists.

Final Thoughts:

While "instant" live filtering is looks great, and provides great visual feedback when filtering, it does have some performance drawbacks most notable over wide area network deployments of FileMaker solutions. Sorting of the relationship/portal also has a great drawback in these situations.

By implementing a short delay between when the user enters into the filter entry field, and when the relationship/portal is updated, an increase in filtering performance can be achieved.

  • Data entry into the filter field is faster because while the user is typing, no actual filtering is occurring
  • When the user finishes typing, the results that will be found will typically be fewer and more specific records given that the filtering is now occurring on a full word, or more characters.

Something to say? Post a comment...


  • John MacLulich 14/07/2015 8:23pm (10 years ago)

    Hi Daniel

    I have implemented this solution with great success into a database which we usually access only over our LAN. Over WAN it is slower, but still quite an acceptable user experience.

    However, in Web Direct it is definitely not an acceptable user experience. The dreaded "Please wait while the script is executed" message makes it almost useless.

    Can you suggest any (non-facetious) ways of improving the performance in Web Direct?

  • Daniel Wood 10/12/2012 10:37am (12 years ago)

    Hi Dan,
    Thanks for spotting that typo, I will fix that up asap.
    regarding the script parameters, I believe you may be right here pre-11, I can't think of why I would have written it that way if it didn't work.

    Having said that, the reason why it is not working in 11/12 (and maybe earlier versions) is that I'm passing a local variable as the onTimer parameter. However once the parent script ends, that local variable is no more, so when the onTimer fires and runs the script, the local variable is empty and thus no object name is passed.

    I have changed this method in our own solutions to set a global variable $$ObjectName prior to calling the onTimer instead. This way the onTimer script can pick up that value and process it and clear when done. The only danger here is if someone manages to search in a second filter box before the onTimer runs (and $$ObjectName gets changed) - but that is highly unlikely in 0.5 seconds!

  • Dan Shockley 08/12/2012 12:51pm (12 years ago)

    Another quick follow-up:
    Did the OnTimer script originally (in earlier versions of FileMaker 11, perhaps) actually evaluate passed-in parameters? It currently does not, so the Get ( ScriptParameter ) call evaluates to "" - which is a difficult object to go to. An alternative is to use a global variable which the OnTimer script clears immediately after it reads the values.

  • Dan Shockley 08/12/2012 12:15pm (12 years ago)

    Another minor correction, in Script A - Typing Trigger:

    You set the variable $ObjectName, but then send $Object as the parameter to Script B, instead of $ObjectName. I'm guessing most people either fixed that without noticing, or just fixed it and didn't bother to mention it, but perhaps this comment could help someone who is confused as to why it isn't working.

  • Dave 10/01/2011 11:01am (14 years ago)

    Thanks Daniel. I'll give it a try.

  • Daniel 05/01/2011 3:01am (14 years ago)

    Hello Jeremy & David,

    After going back and re-testing the script involved in resetting cursor position, I cannot break it, so might be missing something here?

    Set Selection [ Start Position: $CurrentSelectionStart ; End Position: $CurrentSelectionSize ]

    Before anything happens to update the filter, these two variables are set.

    $CurrentSelectionStart is the position of the cursor in the text string
    $CurrentSelectionSize is the size of highlighted text in the filter field (not the length of the string)

    In further testing I've found I don't actually need to define an end position after filtering at all, all that is needed is to set it back to the start position.

    Note, that start position is NOT the position when you begin typing, it is actually the position of when you are finished typing, and just before onTimer script will trigger and do the filtering.

    You can begin typing from any position in the filter field, not just from the end, but wherever you stop typing, is where the cursor will be set back to. It's kind of a reverse-way to think about it, but your start position after filtering, is your end position before filtering.

    Also, because specifying a selection (highlighting 1 or more characters in the filter field) is not actually a modification, the triggers don't fire, the only time it would with a selection in the filter field, is if you then either hit delete, or typed a letter etc, in which case the selection will be changed, and you will have a new end position...

    Jeremy, if I am missing something here can you let me know?

    David, I think the article method is fine and i my testing is giving expected results.


  • Dave 05/01/2011 2:01am (14 years ago)

    Thanks for this tip! It should really help performance over a WAN. I do need clarification though: 1. Exactly where and how would you implement the -1 mentioned by Jeremy? and 2. Over a WAN, is there any difference in speed when the sorting is set in the portal vs. when it is set in the relationship diagram itself?

  • Daniel 02/01/2011 10:02am (14 years ago)

    Hi Jeremy, thanks for the comment, I will be sure to make the necessary fix, nice spotting!

  • Jeremy 02/01/2011 10:01am (14 years ago)

    Sorry, that's start PLUS size - 1.

  • Jeremy 02/01/2011 10:01am (14 years ago)

    This is a great piece on this widespread technique, but there is one error in the scripts you present. When you re-set the selection so that users don't lose their place in the filter field using the original selection SIZE as the end position doesn't always work ? only when the typing is at the end of the field. The end of the selection should be size - start - 1. (When there is no selection, just a cursor position, this is a negative number, I know; but my testing found that this is what works.)

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